Friday, December 17, 2010

Mom killed over child murder.

A women was protesting in front of a local governement building in northern mexico when she was shot by a van of people that pulled up. There was said to three gunman in black suits and sunglasses. She was shot for protesting against the murder of her daughter who was killed and dismembered  and later burned. She was protesting because the main suspect was dropped and set free. She was shot for protesting the murder of her daughter.

I think that since she was on a government site on her own free will there is not much that could be done. Yes, this is a sad story of a mother still mourning over the loss of her daughter. But the government should not be punished for this. Even though a suspect was dropped from the murder charge I think that having him dropped had to be done from specific evidence for a murder that seems to be this serious and brutal. So i do not think that Mexico's government should get into any trouble for somethign happenign completley out of their own control.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Bomber in Coma

Image: Abdelbaset Ali Mohmet al-MegrahiThe main Lockerbie bombing al-Megrahi was released from prison recently because he has been terminally ill with prostate cancer. He was part of the bombing that killed 189 americans, our of the 270 that were killed all together. He is suppose to die before December 21, and his beloved friends are expecting any day to be his last. Americans are furious that he was released from prison for what he had done. Britain freed him from prison because they were scared how furious the Lybians would be if he would be held in custoday even while sick.

I agree with what the Britains did. They should release the guy because he is dying and he still has family that wants to see him. Like when people get the death sentance people are able to visit their soon to be passed away family. Since he is dying of something non-man inforced they should have the right to see him. I don't agree with the Americans being angry for this decision. I think it was the right one, and even though he did do somethign bad he still deserves rights.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Issue #2

It says that Medicare has been poorly used by the doctors because they get paid by the quantity not quality of the service they do. So some of the elderly people that come in for their medicare the government will pay for the first medicine they receive but then sometimes the doctors knowingly give them the wrong perscription. Same goes with people who use medicaid if they come in to get medicine the doctors still use the quantity factor on how they get paid. But finally in 2006 a law passed that based the pay on quality of performance. Giving doctors who help people with medicare a 1.5 percent bonus if they fill out the quality of their service. But some people say that this does not help Doctors make the right choices but only gives them the quickest way to help patients.

I think that it is right to have the doctors and hospitals get paid extra for effectivley treat patients with the best things possible, that proves that the doctors do care about helping people out and don't just go through to motions with every person. I also think that if they help people with medicare because they can see which doctor is the best and which one helps out their customers the most. I also think that people who cheated the patients and giving them wrong medicine and having them come back over and over to get better ones that will solve the illness or problem just to get paid more is wrong.

issue 1-

Thursday, November 4, 2010

17 Minutes from Destruction

A bomb was almost set off in the French Ministers office, it was seventeen minutes from defusing until it was detected and defused. Researches conducted a search for the people that tried to get away with this act of terrism on the French and they traced it back to people in the United Arab States. The bombs were attatched to cell phones and were suppose to go off. Luckily they got defused and no harm was done and the suspects were brought into custody.

I think that it is good that people were able to find the bomb and stop it before it was defused. If there was another big terrist attack would have been devestating to the world once again but opened up some more eyes. If it would have happened people would notice that there are threats and it wouldn't just be the U.S. looking for them and in a war over the same reason.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Warning Shots Fire by South Korea

North Korea had a fishing boat that ended up to cross the sea border of the two nations and a navy boat of South Korea fired shots at it warning that it was in their territory. It is said that there already has been 3 battles over the border already that has been seem to be ignored after the U.N. drew it. They shot 10 time at the fishing boat warning it to leave other wise  it would have been sank. They said the only reason they fired at them was because they had been ignoring their warnings over loud speakers after awhile.

I think that a sea border should not even be set up between the two nations. It is sad that they have claims over the waters in the ocean. They should be able to not have disputes over something as silly as this. It is not a big deal if they are fishing in their part of the ocean, and firing shots at them that could potentially harm people that are defenseless and not a threat is a joke. I think the only reason they should be chased out of the water is if it was a natural resource they were taking like oil.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Mail Bomb

A couple of guys addressed a letter to the French president that had a bomb inside it. They found that other parcels were addressed to other leaders around the world with the same exposives contents inside as the one that was found addressed to the frenchman. The people that were responsible for sending the package were found and they were wearing bulletproof vests and had weapons.

I think that people who actually think that they would be able to send a package with a address to a leader and think that it would not have been scanned or searched is psycotic. How dumb can people get and think that they would be able to get away with something like this. These people seem like infadels, and people who have special needs. If people ever get away with this I will be very surprised and frown upon government.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Earthquake hits Indonesia

On Monday a earthquake was hit Sumatra, Indonesia. The epicenter of the earthquake was said to be 8.8 miles deep, meaning that this was a large earthquake that was felt in 5 other towns. The quake was initially measured at 7.2 on the scale so it alarmed the country sending out a tsunami warning. Indonesia is prone to earth quakes and volcanic activity because it is located on what is called the Pacific Ring of Fire. Sumatra had a large tsunami hit the area in 2008, that is why the warning got out so fast because of previous experiences.

I think that it is great that finally countries have learned and taken initiative in helping build the own infrastructure. Since the earthquake hit Sumatra and the scientists warned the country fast enough to warn everyone of the tsunami that could potentially be caused shows how much they are improving their living conditions in that country. It is also good because since they do live in the so called Pacific Ring of Fire, if they can keep getting warnings out fast enough less people will be harmed by future natural disasters.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Bus and Train Collision

Image: Relatives of the crash victims reactA bus was attempting to cross a railroad track in Ukraine at 9 am in the morning. The bus driver did not give any attention to the sirens that were going of indicating that there was a train coming across the tracks. The train collided with the bus killing 41 of the 49 passengers not including the driver. Ukraine has said that number is most likely to rise because the people who did survive were in very poor condition.

I think that this whole accident is pure stupidity. It is almost one hundred percent the bus drivers fault for this accident. If what is said true about the sirens going off and the bus not yielding to them, then who other than the drivers fault could this be? The families of the people that died now are suffering from a loss to a person they loved because of one person carelessness. I feel that things like this could be prevented in other countries just by having better trained people.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Firefighters Refuse to Put out Home Fire

In a small town of South Fulton, Tennessee a fire station was called to come aid a house fire that was outside of town. But the station would not respond because the house was not in city limits and they did not pay there fee of $75 dollars. Because of this they let the families house burn to the ground along with all of their possessions and 3 of their pets. The firefighters did tend to the area for the fire though, but not for the families house, they contained the fire so it stayed in their lot and not the neighbors because they did pay the $75 fee. They would not allow the family to pay them on the spot because nobody would pay in advance if they would be able to do that.

I think that its ridiculous that they let the fire burn the house to the ground. I disagree with them doing that because it is their responsibility to help out people in need and save houses or buildings that are being consumed by flames. I think that they should have a rule that makes u pay more if u pay on the spot because either way people are going to lose more money if the whole house is destroyed. They have to change the rules inside this small town because that family is completely out of a house over a stupid little rule.

Monday, October 4, 2010

ISSUE #2 -Spending What We Can Afford

In 2007, Congress passed the Pay-as-you-go budgeting also known as "Paygo." It is where people can only pay for what they can afford. People feel that this knew budgeting bill will not help out the country because it will cause taxes to be raised in order for the Government to be able to afford there fundings. Americans also feel that it will make a big dent in the economy. They also think that since the families of America will follow the purchase what you can afford the government should follow.

I think that this new Paygo budget will not work because the government will not be able to follow its own rule of purchas what they can afford so they will be forced to hike up taxes like many Americans think. I also think that because of this it will hurt the economy also because Americans will be forced to spend more on the taxes and not into other goods that help boost our economy. I believe it will also restrict on our spending of National Emergencies because the government will not be able to afford it.

Brian E Issue 1-
Andy Brian Strater Issue 3-

Friday, September 17, 2010

Accident Blast Kills

In Sri Lanka a trunk that was packed with explosives that were to be used by a rock quarry. It exploded by a Police station having 25 confirmed deaths but it is guessed to total up to 60. The officials say that the truck was set off by accident and it was not because of intentional sabotage. It was set off in the Batticoloa district where there has been much conflict causing the government to step in. Another reason the explosion was big was because they Police Station had dynamite place in it for safety reasons.

Personally I do not think that something like this could be a accident. Trucks do not just explode out of the blue. Like the report said it exploded in a area when there has been conflict. some person had to have set it off to send a message of some sort across. If the government of Sri Lanka believes that it was a accident there will be more attacks like this in the future. They should investigate into the story more and try to find out the real cause of the explosion.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Shooting at Kraft Plant

In Philadelphia a women who got released from her job and escorted out came back in with a hand gun and shot 3 people, 2 were dead and one was injured. But after she was escorted out of the plantation and went to her car to return with a gun. She drove her car through the security gates and opened fire inside. Around 100 people were in the building and all but 3 were escorted out by the cops. The cops secured the area and arrested the woman about a hour after the shooting began.

It is nice to know that the police were able to get the plant in time and arrest the women without more people getting injured, but I think security gaurds at places like that should be able to have more of a self defence items to prevent events like this taking place. If they had more equipment they could of taken the women away alot faster and possibly saved the lives of 2 innocent people. But ther is also evidence that is not stated in the article. Such as, why was she realeased from her job? What exactly did the business do to make a women this angry and come into her former work place and take lives of people.