Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Obama meets Hu

China's president, Hu, is coming to America to talk economics. Many big American businesses are sending representatives to the White House for this huge meeting. Some of the things being focused on are: increasing exports to China and more investment in American and Chinese companies by both countries. Strangely enough, American automakers are absent from the list of invitees, even as their stocks are surging once again.

I hope that the meeting goes well because China will soon become another super power in the world. If we can become good allies with them then we will not have to worry about gaining a hurt economy. Also i think it will be good because they are pretty far in technology and we can share what we each know and it will benefit both of our counties so its a win win for us both. So all in all i hope Mr. Hu and Mr. Obama become great friends and text message and call each other all the time in the near future.

Explosion in Philly

A gas explosion in Philadelphia injured 4 people and killed one. It was caused by a gas leak and it set off 3 fire alarms around the area. Dozens of people evacuated their homes due to the gas explosion and the authorities finally got the fire under control at about 11 P.M. The body of the victim has been found but can not be identified and is being brought into further investigation. It set 2 other homes on fire and a truck nearby.

I think that it is bad that this stuff happens to innocent people. All though people can not ensure that still will happen it still in unfair. I hope that stuff like this someday in the future will be able to be fixed. I also hope that this will never ocur in the history of the universe. Even though i really am not affected by this stuff it scares the living hell out of me that it can happen to anyone at any random point in time. I hope that my house is secure and it wont happen there so i can live a very successful life. GO T-WOLVES!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

2 Million Dead..... FISH

Another mass death of animals is now being reported. This time 2 million fish were found dead in Maryland. This come after thousands of blackbirds died in Arkansas after New Years Eve. The fish are almost totally juvenile spot fish, and experts are agreeing that the most likely cause is the extremely cold water temperatures. Another contributing factor was probably the unusally large number of this species of fish this year. The water could just not support all of the fish. This is at least the third time that a massive fish kill has happened in this area, the others were in 1976 and 1980.
I think that something is going wrong in the wildlife. If this happens only couple days after the whole black bird incident something can not be right in the wilderness. I hope that this has no coincedence with the fact that the world is suppose to end December 12, 2012. If it is a coincidence I am very worried for my life i do not want to die early, I want to life for a long time and have a family and grow old and die of natural causes! This crap scares me. My mother and father are both great people and they taught me not to believe in this stuff. Now it is happenign i don't know who to beleive. God save us all!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Shots fire in Tucson

The shooting in Arizona was searched and 31 casings of gun shells were found. It said that there was 30 rounds in the magazine of the Glock-19 gun and one was already in the chamber during the shooting. It said that he was trying to reload the gun during the shooting and because of that pause in time he was able to be tackled and the weapon pried from his hands. During the shooting luckily only 6 people were killed but 13 other people were wounded during the shooting. He legally bought the gun at a sportsman wherehouse and later in the day before the shooting bought the bullets.

People would say this is another reason why the government should put out better gun control. This is another shooting that has taken place inside the US but also out of their control. The man was legally purchasing the gun and nobody could have prevented this from happening. Guns are part of the society we live in and most people who do purchase the guns use them for a safe and reasonable cause. It is given with anything the market sells could turn into a weapon, so no matter what if a gun contorl law passes there will always be problems with something else.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Women was claimedto be a Spy

An american women was claimed by Iranians to be a spy for America when they detained her for supposubly having spy gear hidden on her body. Thursday when she was got the Iranian police said that she had sponge type material implanted between her teeth that she would use a microphone. Several names were released because she had different ones for every news station that she was a reporter for. She stated she did have material in her teeth and the US embassy did nothign because this took place over christmas break. If the arrest does fall through she will be the fourth spy in under 2 ears.

I think that it is terrible how they are locking down on Americans and saying that they are spying on the country. Ya even if we are at war with one of the neigbooring countries it doesn't give them a right to investigate in every American that could possibly be a spy. I think countries are to worried about america at that we are trying to get ties into every government around the world.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hackers Use Fake Email

People were able to hack into the government email and send out what looked like to be a christmas letter from the president Obama, after this they were able to hack and steel some data from the government. Now authorities are trying to build more protection on and improve the technology systems. They used a card that had a link to built into the christmas tree and when they clicked on it. The newly opened program would take passwords fromt the computer. The email stole some frederal authority information.

I think that it is pretty scary that people are able to hack into the governments system. If they are able to get into a security system that large everday people should be worried about privacy on their own. I will say that the hacker was smart by using the holliday to their advantage and use the presidents name because they would be lured into seeing something he would want to them. I also think that for how much our technology is advancing it will be nearly impossible to keep systems up to date in which they will keep people from breaking in and stealing information.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Mom killed over child murder.

A women was protesting in front of a local governement building in northern mexico when she was shot by a van of people that pulled up. There was said to three gunman in black suits and sunglasses. She was shot for protesting against the murder of her daughter who was killed and dismembered  and later burned. She was protesting because the main suspect was dropped and set free. She was shot for protesting the murder of her daughter.

I think that since she was on a government site on her own free will there is not much that could be done. Yes, this is a sad story of a mother still mourning over the loss of her daughter. But the government should not be punished for this. Even though a suspect was dropped from the murder charge I think that having him dropped had to be done from specific evidence for a murder that seems to be this serious and brutal. So i do not think that Mexico's government should get into any trouble for somethign happenign completley out of their own control.